April 3, 2011

70 degrees and nature!

So this week was average? I guess. I began doing papers and presentations that are due this month in hopes of finishing everything before I go to Paris Easter weekend, and my girlfriend comes to visit right before finals!

The trees and plants all over campus are starting to grow leaves/flowers and its gorgeous! There is a vibrant pink/purple tree that blossomed almost overnight! Tulips are growing in splotches all over the city along with other flowers, so as soon as I can I will update with some pictures!

I attempted - key word - to go to the Immigration office and retrieve my residence permit! My bike got a flat tire about half way and I decided to chain it to a public lock area near a market and walk the rest of the way. The office however, was moved to the other side of town, much closer actually than I needed to go. So by the time I got there it was closed :/ So I will try again on Tuesday. However, on my way back I did not see my bike! So hopefully I just walked by and didn't notice it and its not stolen!

This weekend though it reached 74 degrees! So to celebrate the unusual warmth, some friends and I went to a park down the street and had a picnic/volleyball game in the sun. It was great! I can't wait to start walking around town more now that it's warming up. I was able to wear shorts for the first time since I arrived!

This week I don't have anything major planned but I will keep you posted.


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